Reputation and trust are the cornerstones of a successful career in accounting. Just one charge of embezzlement can ruin years of hard work and change a CPA's career forever. It is important for accountants to understand how serious these charges are and how they can...
Fearless, Focused And Experienced Criminal Defense
White-Collar Crimes
Tax evasion vs. tax avoidance: What Michigan businesses need to know
Michigan business owners face a critical challenge in today's complex tax landscape: understanding the fine line between legal tax avoidance and criminal tax evasion. Knowing this difference is crucial. Misunderstanding can lead to severe consequences, including...
What are examples of identity theft?
If you're facing a criminal charge involving identity theft, you're likely feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. This offense is a serious crime that can have life-changing consequences, including hefty fines and even imprisonment. In this blog, we'll...
Dissecting the elements of a bribery charge
A bribery charge can have a devastating impact on one's life and career. However, it is a complex crime that requires specific elements to be proven. The prosecution must demonstrate each element beyond a reasonable doubt to secure a conviction. Without a thorough...
Ways to challenge financial evidence in your white collar case
In the world of white collar crime, financial evidence is a vital aspect. However, what if the numbers do not add up? This is when challenging financial evidence can be pivotal. If you are facing a white collar charge and wondering how to handle your case, what steps...
Does disclosing internal information constitute a white collar crime?
Every company protects its internal information due to its importance to the business. An example is trade secrets, which play a crucial role in a company’s competitive edge. When revealed, these confidential details could impact the company's profitability and...
What to do when charged with identify theft
Facing criminal charges of any kind is a threat to your future. Regardless of what you are up against, a conviction could lead to extensive time behind bars and other consequences that could affect the rest of your life. It is critical to take this threat to your...
Bank fraud: Understanding the federal offense
Banks are some of the most important business entities in any economy because they keep the money flowing. By taking in deposits, they can provide loans to borrowers with interest. It’s a crime to rob a bank, but that hasn’t stopped unscrupulous individuals from...
Lying about your identity to obtain a payment card is a punishable offense
Thanks to financial transaction devices such as credit and debit cards, people can easily buy expensive items without bringing a bag full of cash. However, these devices aren’t given out so easily; banks and lenders closely scrutinize those applying for a card to...
Types of cybercrime and your defense options
It is no secret that technology is now a critical part of everyday life. Most people use their computers, phones and tablets to do everything from grocery shop to socialize with others. The scope to which people are reliant on technology and the internet is difficult...