When you are facing criminal charges, there is much at stake for you and your future interests. While there is much on the line, including your personal freedom, that does not mean that all hope is lost. Criminal accusations are intimidating and overwhelming, but...
Fearless, Focused And Experienced Criminal Defense
Month: July 2023
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How serious is an identity theft charge?
Personal information is a powerful thing. With just a name, date of birth and social security number, users may open bank accounts, perform financial transactions and more. If this kind of information got into the wrong hands, it could be catastrophic. Because of...
Reinstating a suspended or revoked medical license
Having a medical license suspended or revoked can be career-ending. You won't be able to practice without a license, and some customers may refuse to see you again. However, there is still hope; the state of Michigan has procedures in place for reinstating suspended...