Combatting Health Care Fraud Charges
If you are the target of a health care fraud investigation or have been charged, the stakes are high and there’s little room for error. Allegations can taint your professional reputation and a conviction could leave you without your professional license. You cannot afford to wait to challenge against these serious charges. You need to take action immediately.
Contact me, Michael A. Rataj, PC, at my Detroit office to get the skilled and aggressive representation that you deserve. For over 30 years, I have defended Michigan residents against a variety of federal criminal charges that include health care fraud. I have a deep understanding of the criminal process on the federal level. I will put my knowledge and expertise to work for you.
Fighting A Formidable Opponent
Health care fraud is an extremely complex area of law. While those who are charged face significant fines and penalties, the cases move quickly through the legal system. Those facing allegations often have no criminal record and may be facing charges because they did not properly fill out complicated paperwork correctly.
The FBI is the primary agency that investigates charges, and they also team up with local and state officials. Investigators will often use confidential informants, past employees and others with inside information who may be biased. Federal prosecutors have vast resources at their disposal when they take a case. When you are in a battle against these formidable opponents, you need an attorney who knows how to level the field.
My Qualifications
I have focused exclusively on helping those facing criminal charges at the federal level here in Michigan since 1989. My knowledge of health care fraud allegations is based on years of steadfastly representing businesses and health professionals to the fullest extent of the law. As your advocate, I am committed to protecting your professional license, your livelihood, and your personal and professional reputation.
I am of counsel to Oberheiden P.C., a health care insurance fraud firm in Dallas, Texas. There is no defense lawyer in Detroit who works harder or puts more dedication than I do to finding workable legal solutions to the most difficult and challenging cases.
Typical Allegations Seen In Health Care Fraud
My health care defense experience includes cases in the following areas:
- False claims
- Medicare fraud
- Medicaid fraud
- Overbilling or double billing
- Fee splitting
- Patient brokering
- Stark Law violations or kickbacks
- Conspiracy
Those facing health care fraud encounter hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines and lengthy jail sentences. But the right attorney can make a huge difference in the outcome of your case.
My goal is to defend your rights and reputation to the fullest extent of the law, to dismiss allegations, or to minimize your penalties or sanctions so you can go back to treating patients.
Let Me Get To Work For You
Contact Michael A. Rataj, PC, if you are facing health care fraud charges. Individuals or business owners can call my office at 313-512-6174 or reach me through this website.