Federal level offenses, including certain type of financial crimes, come with serious penalties and grave consequences for those convicted. White collar crime includes acts of fraud, theft and deception committed with the intent of financial gain. According to recent...
Fearless, Focused And Experienced Criminal Defense
White-Collar Crimes
More funding to come for white-collar crime enforcement
Attorney General Merrick Garland recently announced that the federal government will be providing additional funding to combat certain types of criminal activity. As environmental white-collar crime is a growing concern, the Department of Justice is increasing its...
Money laundering and its potential consequences
White collar criminal offenses are those that involve illegal activity for the purpose of financial gain. These cases do not typically involve an element of violence, yet the penalties for any type of financial crime can be steep, including the possibility of a prison...
An effective defense against money laundering charges
White-collar criminal charges have the potential to bring life-altering penalties if convicted of these allegations. Money laundering is a common type of white-collar crime, and even though these charges lack an element of violence, the implications are quite serious....
3 of the most common types of securities fraud
Any crime that affects financial markets is considered a big deal and not something the federal government is going to treat lightly. Securities fraud comes in several forms, all of which are considered major criminal offenses. Michigan residents who find themselves...
Bribery Q and A
Any Michigan resident facing federal-level criminal charges has every right to ask questions about what to expect as they move through criminal proceedings. Knowledge is power, after all. The more a person knows about the charges and what may come, the better position...
What is (and what isn’t) corporate espionage
When we talk about corporate espionage, we typically refer to the theft of trade. That theft, and the financial damages it inflicts, can be extremely far-reaching. Theft of trade secrets defined Virtually any confidential information that a company uses to develop or...
Consequences for breaking antitrust laws
There have been three core antitrust laws on the books for some time. Each of these is in place to keep prices fair, protect companies and consumers, and offer incentives for businesses -- among various other things. Business owners in Michigan and elsewhere who break...
What is mail fraud?
Any form of fraud is a serious criminal offense that can land a person in prison for a long time if the accused individual is convicted -- among various other significant penalties. Mail fraud is believed to be one of the most common forms of fraud for which people in...
When is racketeering a federal crime?
Racketeering is a crime that comes in many forms and may be considered a state or federal offense -- sometimes both. It is a crime that involves operating an illegal business or taking funds from a legal company for one to engage in criminal activities. What are the...