The proliferation of social media often tempts individuals to use various platforms as a means of disseminating racist or other unwelcome sentiment. Sometimes, an ill-considered post can lead to serious criminal charges. A resident of the Upper Peninsula recently pled...
Fearless, Focused And Experienced Criminal Defense
Federal Offenses
Defending yourself against a RICO charge
A white-collar federal criminal charge such as a RICO violation is something you should take seriously. You may associate RICO violations with organized crime networks and figure if you are not involved with organized crime, you cannot be charged, but that is not...
Suppressed evidence in a federal drug case
Are you worried about the federal drug charges that have been levied against you? If not, you probably should be. After all, a federal conviction can lead to extensive incarceration and a negative impact on many areas of your life. But don’t let that scare you into...
The scope of uttering and publishing charges in Michigan
Uttering and publishing charges have recently come to the forefront in Michigan, shedding light on a legal aspect that may be unfamiliar to many. To put it simply, this crime pertains to the deliberate act of presenting or utilizing a counterfeit document, all with...
How serious is an identity theft charge?
Personal information is a powerful thing. With just a name, date of birth and social security number, users may open bank accounts, perform financial transactions and more. If this kind of information got into the wrong hands, it could be catastrophic. Because of...
Former law enforcement officer charged with federal crimes
The repercussions for federal offenses can include extensive time behind bars, fines and more. When a defendant is facing multiple charges, the penalties can elevate the severity of any consequences one is up against if convicted. A former Michigan police chief is...
State and Federal drug crimes: what is the difference?
Michigan takes drug crimes seriously, and penalties for people convicted of drug crimes in Michigan are harsh. Whether the government charges a person with a misdemeanor or a felony or whether the state or federal government prosecutes the case, drug crimes are...
Michigan man facing federal charges for hate speech
A Michigan man was recently indicted for threats he made against government officials who are Jewish. The U.S. Attorney’s Office says that he made the threats earlier this year while in another state, posting violent threats on his Twitter account. While he never...
Federal charges for illegal possession of a firearm
Federal-level offenses, specifically those that pertain to violent criminal activity, are considered particularly serious. If convicted of these types of crimes, it is possible that a defendant could face a lengthy prison sentence and other consequences that may...
More than a decade in prison for man guilty of federal crimes
The federal government takes drug-related criminal activity seriously, giving severe penalties to those convicted of trafficking or distributing illicit substances, as well as those who commit violent crimes. The repercussions of these types of offenses are...