When you are facing counterfeiting charges, you need to be aware of the implications of what you are dealing with. Counterfeiting is a serious, federal-level offense. Conviction may lead to prison time, so it may be beneficial for you to develop a defense strategy....
Fearless, Focused And Experienced Criminal Defense
Month: May 2024
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What are predicate offenses under the RICO Act?
The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act serves as powerful legislation against organized crime. It’s unique because it targets an entire enterprise and punishes everyone who has been conducting racketeering activities within the organization....
Is tax evasion a federal crime?
In the United States, paying taxes is a legal obligation for individuals and businesses. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is responsible for collecting taxes, and failure to comply with tax laws can result in severe consequences. One of the most severe offenses is...